UKTD2-27_B2B WorkshopEarlier this month, we were joined by over 200 delegates in the Scottish Highlands for our Annual Convention, where we made the stunning Macdonald Aviemore Resort our home for three days.

For those who’ve not been to our Annual Convention before, it brings together over two thirds of our membership – providing ample business and networking opportunities for the duration. With a B2B workshop, seminars, plenary sessions and formal and informal networking opportunities, the Convention is the ultimate platform for doing business in the inbound tourism industry.

The theme for this year’s Convention was Staying GREAT, and all that we as an industry can do to safeguard the success of the UK’s record-breaking tourism figures in 2014 - to continue to welcome visitors and spend to keep boosting our economy and our jobs.

Having so many members together is pivotal in uncovering the real challenges that our industry faces. It’s our job to now champion on behalf of our members.

Our latest Business Barometer findings have confirmed that there has been a dip in confidence within the travel industry over the past six months – and this year’s Convention confirmed this – painting a real picture of the challenges our industry faces in 2016. It’s our job to gather all that we’ve learnt from this year’s Convention and ensure the voice of our members is heard loud and clear by the Government.

Whilst there was a lot of business and formal discussions taking place – there was also a lot of fun to be had too!

During our first evening we were treated to a Taste of Scotland, with a range of stalls providing local food from the air, the sea and the land. Along with a wee dram or two! All delegates adorned their ‘wackiest jumper’ and took part in various activities including a Pub Quiz, Giant Games Night and the chance to sit and relax in the resorts very own cinema!

A personal highlight has to be the Gala Dinner and Awards for Excellence (congratulations to all winners – Awards Special to follow next month!), which took place on the final evening of the Convention. All delegates dressed up in their finery – with a few kilts being sported too – for a delicious three-course meal, including a formal address to the haggis! Following the Awards Ceremony, all guests enjoyed a traditional Scottish Ceilidh, with dancing until the early hours!

The event was a huge success and thanks to all who attended. Huge thanks cannot go amiss though to our sponsors – their support is so important to be able to provide such a strong Convention programme.

With special thanks to: MacDonald Hotels and Resorts, The Highland Council, The London Bridge Experience and Tombs, Elman Wall Travel Accountants, Tomatin Distillery, VisitScotland, Abbey Scotland, Where London – by Morris Visitor Publications, VisitBritain/TFL, Caingorn National Park, made Tourism Marketing, Jayne Peirce Tourism Recruitment and The Original London Sightseeing Tour.




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