You will no doubt be aware that we have taken the difficult decision to pause cruise operations for a period of time. The travel industry is facing challenging and unprecedented times as a result of the ongoing outbreak of COVID-19. We understand that you and your members may be concerned about the future and the impact of the changing situation.

We want to assure you that we’re doing everything we can:

  • Our priority is to get all existing guests and crew home as safely and as quickly as possible
  • We plan to resume sailing from the 23rd May 2020
  • We’re offering guests whose cruise holidays are cancelled a full refund or future cruise voucher worth 125%
  • Guests with other 2020 cruises will be protected by our Booking Reassurance Guarantee
  • We have a brand new programme of cruises now on sale for 2021/2022 departures
  • Thank you for your continued support. This isn’t going to be an easy time, but together we will get through this.


To keep up to date see fredolsencruises.com

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