'Mr Pinchy’ is the latest inhabitant to take up residence at Stratford-upon-Avon Butterfly Farm in Warwickshire…

The brightly coloured Red-Clawed Crayfish originates from Australia and Papua New Guinea, and from February 16-24 children and adults can meet him when they take part in twice daily ‘Meet the Mini-Beast’ handling sessions in the attraction's Discovery Zone.

Jane Kendrick, Marketing Manager at Stratford Butterfly Farm, says: “The Red Claw Crayfish is a new and very promising aquaculture species and I’m sure Mr Pinchy will be popular among our visitors. It’s the first time we’ve had a Red-Clawed Crayfish, he’s great fun to watch and will grow in size, almost to that of a lobster! Along with our Meet the Mini-beast handling sessions and seeing the rest of our inhabitants, the Stratford Butterfly Farm has something for everyone to enjoy this February half term.”

To see hundreds of spectacular butterflies, insects, reptiles and spiders visit the Butterfly Farm from 10am to 5:00pm, last entry 4pm. Open every day of the week except Christmas Day. For more information see www.butterflyfarm.co.uk or call 01789 299288.

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